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PAMESCO and WESCO at Youth Olympic 2018

PAMESCO and WESCO at Youth Olympic 2018

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The Youth Olympic Games are an elite sporting event for young people from all over the world. The sports programme is based on that of the Olympic Games, with 28 sports featured on the summer programme and 7 on the winter programme.

Officially inveted to be at the Esports Forum at the Youth Olympic Buenos Aires 2018, and also to have a booth of Esports so Young athletes could experience the esports, mr Daniel Cossi, presidente of WESCO and PAMESCO gladly saw this great moment to become true.

Inside the Youth Olympic village we had a nice place so athletes could play and have fun interacting and gaining knowledge and more information about Esports around the world.

We are very glad that IOC see WESCO and PAMESCO, as well as many other stake holders and esports organization around the world, as importante organizations to contribute to the esports ecosystem and make possible to IOC have a clear vision about this new sports category - said Mr Daniel Cossi.

WESCO and PAMESCO are both waiting for the nex opportunity to contribute more to the esports ecosystem.

At the event, the oficial members of PAMESCO, governing body for Argentina, was coordinanting the actions of the esports booth, having a great success at the event representing all the values of PAMESCO as well as WESCO.